Trading Day 1!

Well we are open! Day one trading complete and members will be happy to know that over £500 will be in the bank tomorrow morning! Staff were frazzled but happy at the end of the day.

On Wednesday the rest of our stock will arrive and we hope to open the second room. This stock will be the fiction for grown ups ( I can’t bring myself to say ‘adult fiction’ as that has too many smutty connotations).

As of today we have a  feed where we will post quick updates and offers etc. You can follow us @malvernbookcoop .

The next thing we would like is to prepare a list of members’ favourite books – we can recommend them to our customers! If you post them here with a short recommendation we can order copies to stock in the shop. If you can’t choose just one recommend more!


2 thoughts on “Trading Day 1!”

  1. Hi, we met at the book signing last year, organised by Aspect Design at the Malvern library. I and a few others remarked about the lack of support for Local Authors at book shops,You commented that you had heard about that from others. Would you be interested in taking on local Authors fictional books on a sale or return ?
    I am so pleased for you that you have found the right premesis for the shop and it has become a success in getting it off the ground with great support from the public. I am sure it will become even more successful as time goes by.
    With best wishes Ella Dugdale.

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